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  • Do you teach children?
    Yes! Children are taught using the ChitChat2Fluency curriculum, designed with student ability in mind rather than student age. The curriculum consists of 2 levels, complete with a placement exam and assessments to monitor progress. While most other curricula force students to memorize vocabulary and grammar rules, ours encourages knowledge retention through student engagement and lesson personalization. After every session, parents will receive a summary of the student's performance with suggested areas for improvement and ideas for at-home practice.
  • How do I purchase a lesson package?
    1) To purchase a lesson package, navigate to the Plans page using the site menu. 2) Choose the desired package, and click "Select." 3) On the next page, new users will be required to make an account. This step is required in order to manage bookings and change reservations. Existing users can skip to Step 4. New users, click "Sign Up." Select the method you will use to create an account. "Sign up with email" is recommended for most users. Provide the required information in the prompt that appears. Select "Sign Up." Registration may fail on the first attempt for some users, causing the page to refresh. If this happens, ensure that the CAPTCHA field is filled with a checkmark and press "Sign Up" once more. When registration is successful, you will be redirected to the page in the image below. Check the inbox associated with the email address used during sign-up for an email with a confirmation link. Open the link to complete registration. 4) Once an account has been activated, close the pop-up box to return to the purchase page. Select "Log In." From the pop-up box, select the login method associated with your account. Enter login credentials and select "Log In." Refer to the area pictured in the image below to ensure you have correctly logged into your account. Packages cannot be purchased without first logging into an account. Select a payment method and enter complete the required fields. Payment can be completed with most major credit cards or via PayPal. After providing payment information, save your details if desired. Then, select "Buy Now" from the bottom of the page. You will be redirected to a confirmation page, and an email containing the details of your purchase will be sent to the email address associated with your account. Upon completion of your purchase, the lessons associated with your package are automatically credited to your account. They may be booked as long as the package remains valid (one month from the date of purchase). To learn how to schedule the sessions included in your package, click here.
  • Can I cancel a session that I've already scheduled?
    Sessions can be canceled and rescheduled without penalty up to 2 hours before they begin from the "My Bookings" page. If a session is canceled with less than 2 hours of notice, it cannot be rescheduled or refunded. Any lessons canceled by the instructor may be rescheduled at any time.
  • Do you teach adults?
    Yes. Adults receive 100% customized lesson plans which vary according to level and need. While the majority of resources are developed in-house, external and online supplementary resources may be recommended on occasion. Areas of specialty include: -Writing instruction -American Accent Reduction -Cambridge Exam Preparation
  • How long is each session?
    All trial sessions last 25 minutes. Individual sessions are available for 25, 50, or 75 minutes each. Packages containing 1, 2, 3, or 4 sessions are also available. Each packaged session lasts 25 minutes.
  • How do I book the lessons included in my lesson package?
    All packages include between one and four 25-minute sessions. To book sessions included in a lesson package, first, ensure that you are logged into your account. Then, navigate to the Services page. Next, select 1 x 25 min. Session: Clear Communication and choose the desired date and time. Provide the information as prompted and select your payment method. If you have purchased a lesson package, it will be displayed as an option for payment. Select your lesson package as the payment method (1) and confirm your purchase under "Booking Summary." (2) Once your lesson is confirmed, you can manage your bookings from the "My Bookings" section of your Account Page.
  • How do I book a free trial?
    Navigate to the Services page and click Book a Free Trial Session to reserve your free trial. Select a date and time from the pop-up calendar, then provide the contact information requested. A custom link will be sent to your e-mail which can be used to access the meeting when it begins.
  • How do I purchase an individual session?
    To purchase an individual session, use the site menu to navigate to the Services page. Select the desired service, and press "book now." On the next page, select a time and date for your meeting and click "Next" at the bottom of the page. Next, provide contact information and select a payment option. Enter the information requested, and ensure that "Pay for a Single Session" is selected at the bottom of the form. Next, click "Pay Now" to go to the checkout page. Choose a credit card or PayPal as your payment method on the checkout page. Provide the requested information, then click "pay now." When payment is complete, you will be taken to a confirmation page. From here, you can add the reservation to your google calendar. A confirmation e-mail will also be sent to the e-mail provided during the reservation process. NOTE: It is unnecessary to create an account to reserve individual sessions. However, students who intend to book regularly are encouraged to create an account to streamline the reservation process.
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